The Essentials
- VIM (+ vimium) in iTerm
- Brew: to manage packages
- Python
- Latex
I run Python 2 and 3 side-by-side using:
$ brew install python3
manage packages using pip2 and pip3 inside virtual environments…
Virtual Environments
There are two ways to use these: globally and inside a project’s directory.
Inside a project:
$ virtualenv --python=python3 name_o_env
#to activae
$ source name_o_env/bin/activate
$deactivate #to exist venv
Global environments are possible with a virtualenvwrapper:
$ mkvirtualenv name_o_env
$ workon env
$ deactivate
To see all the global environments type lsvirtualenv.
The neat part of all this is you can record all the packages in your environment (ones presumably needed to run your code) via
$ pip freeze > requirements.txt
The Utilities
- Spectacle
- Dropbox
- Caffeine
- Karabiner
The Accessories
- Mailbox (unsupported in 2016)
- Alfred
Updates: I have been trying Google Inbox as a replacement for Mailbox.